Join us to learn essential drawing and painting techniques from professionals in the fine arts. By observing the landscape and the natural world, students will develop a curious eye that will unfold the mysteries of light in the pictorial world.

Create your own Story with a


Discover the art of self-expression through self-portraiture in this immersive workshop. Unleash your creativity utilizing various mediums and reference materials to create an expressive and cohesive representation of yourself. With individual critiques and expert demonstrations, artists of all levels will thrive in this inspiring environment. Learn different techniques such as charcoal, watercolor, pen and mixed media.


For centuries, artists have used their own image as model for painting. Inspired by the Renaissance painters and contemporary artists, this 3-session workshop examines the art of self-portraiture and puts into practice techniques to creating expressive self-portraits.

The class begins with an instructor-led tour of the local museums in New York City  to view works from an artist’s perspective, examine techniques, and answer student’s questions.

Back in the studio, painting demonstrations and individual instruction enable students put into practice methods observed and create their own masterpiece. The objective of the class is to learn skills that eat student can use in their own work..